France is in mourning. The
violent events of last week have been as shocking for France, which has scarcely experienced terrorism, as the attack on the twin towers was for the
USA. In fact someone said as much to me earlier today as around 200 people
from the village assembled outside the Mairie for a brief expression of
solidarity with the families of the bereaved, and with each other. Adding
to the sense of loss is that some of those killed were loved as public
personalities as a result of their broadcasts on radio and television. In
Paris somewhere between one and two million people, many carrying “Je Suis
Charlie” banners, paraded on the wide boulevards, behind world leaders from
over forty countries.
I am profoundly sorry for the deaths and injuries caused by Jihadists in Paris and extend my sympathy to the families and friends of the victims.
The London bombings
So why do I find myself
emotionally detached from such a very sincere expression of emotion and outrage by the vast majority? It’s not because I’m in sympathy with
Jihadism, quite the contrary! I
deplore all violent acts, but especially those with religious or racial
motivations, and I condemn unreservedly anyone who kills in the name of
Perhaps as a British citizen,
who lived in London during the IRA terrorism of the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s, I’ve
become blasé about such events and their associated risks. In the mid-seventies, in
Blackheath, I heard the shots when an army officer was killed in the next
street. In the nineties, when the IRA bombed Canary Wharf, the detonation and
the sound of falling glass were clearly audible from Islington where I
lived. During this period we all became very familiar with the horrific results
of Catholic-Protestant religious intolerance but after a while you accept
terrorism as a fact of life and carry on.
The right to be offensive
There are, however, other
aspects to the Charlie Hebdo assassinations and the subsequent reaction.
A French Socialist politician said, on the television news today, that
freedom of speech includes the right to be offensive. Charlie Hebdo was
certainly very offensive! I was highly offended when I saw some of their
cartoons representing Muhammad and I’m not going to reproduce them here!
To me they aren’t even funny, but then I don’t understand French humour! Our
neighbours say that (unlike the UK tabloid press) Charlie Hebdo never attacked
anyone’s private life but everything else, without political bias, was considered
a legitimate target for ridicule, scorn or being downright offensive!
Limits to freedom of expression
There are various laws in
France which restrict the freedom of expression.
There is a law concerning the
defamation of the character of an individual, defamation
as defined in article 29 of the law
of 29 juillet 1881 concerning the
Freedom of the Press.
Law No.72-546 of the 1st July 1972 modified the law on the
Freedom of the Press. You cannot deny the holocaust, or provoke racial or
religious hatred. Crucially, provocation in French law means inciting
people to commit violent acts, which represents a step further than the
superficially similar UK law (see below).
Another law protects public
officials. You can’t insult a public official in the course of their duties
verbally or in writing. When Rachida Dati made an embarrassing verbal
slip in 2010, and a misguided individual teased her about it repeatedly by
email, he was arrested, his flat searched and his computer impounded. You
can read more about this here. Rachida
Dati’s verbal slip
You are also forbidden by law
to publish details of the private lives of French public figures.
In the UK, as well as similar
laws concerning libel and slander, the Racial and
Religious Hatred Act, passed
in 2006, forbids publishing material with the intention of inciting racial or
religious hatred. A 2012 Scottish Act forbids offensive behaviour at football
matches including inciting racial or religious hatred.
So freedom of speech is not an
absolute right, it is regulated by law and if you transgress the law you have
to accept the consequences.
With freedom comes
And now a week later I've had further thoughts about the whole episode.
To equate freedom of
expression with an absolute right to be highly offensive seems to me to be
misguided. To offend people just because
the law doesn’t forbid it, and to sell newspapers by doing so, does not seem to
me to be responsible behaviour. Very few
people would go up to someone in the street and be deliberately offensive. If they did, as the Pope has said, they would
probably expect a violent reaction: as an atheist since my mid-teens I am surprised to find myself agreeing with the Pope on this matter. So if you’re a cartoonist or journalist why
do it?
In my view, if you make your
living by deliberately seeking to be offensive to everyone including a
substantial religious minority in your own country, the same thing applies. Of
course the consequences should not include being killed by Jihadists, but the
Charlie Hebdo staff had been threatened, they knew the risks and carried on in
the name of freedom of expression. Some of the staff had already been
under police protection yet they continued to publish similar material. Was
this responsible behaviour?
In fact Charlie Hebdo is proud
of being irresponsible. The issue published a week after the assassinations carries
a banner saying “journal irresponsable” on the front page above yet another
cartoon of Muhammad, this one less offensive than others.
An irresponsible newspaper
In the event, the staff of
Charlie Hebdo were not the only victims of the assassins and it is both tragic
and ironic that one of the dead police officers charged with protecting them
was a Muslim.
As a result of their proud
irresponsibility, and the violent Jihadists reaction to it, seven citizens and
police officials have died, not including the Charlie Hebdo employees.
Martyrs to what cause?
Today France and the western
media consider that the assassinated Charlie Hebdo staff are martyrs to the
cause of Freedom of Expression. Wouldn’t it be more accurate for them to
be remembered as martyrs to the “Right to be Offensive” to all, including
religious minorities?
Political Opportunism
There have been several stages
in the evolution of opinion since the assassinations of Wednesday; from initial
shock and grief; to the need to express solidarity behind the cause of Freedom
of Expression in France; broadening the latter to include other French/European
values and freedoms; and finally to the more international and political
business of resisting attacks on Western values from Jihadists and Islamic State.
Why else did Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas both attend the Paris march
on Sunday?
We have now been told by David Cameron that yet more powers are required by the State to monitor ALL of our
private communications, including emails, and social media. I expect some other
countries will follow his opportunistic lead.
So the deaths of
journalists and cartoonists, supposedly standing for Freedom of Expression, are now being used as a reason for the need to take away fundamental liberties.
Suis-Je Charlie?
No “Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie” if that means using the freedom of the press irresponsibly and, like a middle aged Muslim
lady on a news bulletin on Sunday, I don’t unconditionally support the right to
give offence to religious minorities.
Resist Jihadism
But when it means standing together to resist jihadist terrorism, "Je Suis Charlie".
During November 2014 research commissioned
by the BBC and undertaken by Kings College, London, found that over 5,000 people were victims of jihadist
attacks around
the world. The majority were in Middle Eastern and African countries and are therefore easily ignored by Western media.
I give my wholehearted
support to resisting Jihadism in every legal and responsible way wherever it appears!