Instead of considering financial fundamentals they now base their assessments of the credit-worthiness of sovereign states primarily on political factors. They claim to be able to assess the degree of political will of a continent to resolve its debt problems when they were incapable of assessing the fundamental risks of financial products associated with the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis!
One of the
countries under threat of a downgrade is Luxembourg which has virtually no debt
and no political crisis, another is Germany.
If this had no real effect then it would be laughable but, unfortunately,
the credit rating agencies influence the interest rates at which countries can
borrow money, and the more they have to pay, the less there is available to pay
back debt and finance public services.
A decade long recession
I have been
thinking for a while that we are looking at a ten year period of no growth in
Europe and this week on France Inter Valerie Pecresse, the French minister for
the budget, said so as well. By
destroying market confidence, each downgrade by the ratings agencies takes us
one step closer to making a decade long recession a reality.
impossible to see how the US can escape being sucked into the same economic situation, they
certainly can’t spend their way out of it and carry on printing more and more
money. But which country has the largest
debt, and so far seems incapable of agreeing how to reduce it, the United
States? And where are the credit rating agencies
located? In the United States!
So whilst the rating's agencies are focussing on Europe and distracting attention from the weak US response to their own debt crisis, the US
also has an interest in reining in these unelected organisations, which seem to
want to play politics with national governments in the big league.
I am waiting
for the first investigative journalist to publish a story linking the directors of
the ratings agencies to unexpected political and financial interests. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing
stories about the clandestine affiliations of ratings agency bosses
appearing on both sides of the Atlantic!
As well as dealing with tighter regulation now being proposed in the EU,
the agency's bosses should expect to be scrutinised very closely from now on.
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